Administrative Services

FAA Administrative Services

Jim is currently authorized to perform the FAA administrative services listed below.

NOTE: Per FAA policy, foreign pilot applications are no longer allowed to be processed via Zoom. See paragraph 6.a. at:
Also, all non-IACRA (paper) applications must be processed with an in-person meeting.

Please contact Jim to discuss the requirements for your specific situation.

In-Person or Zoom
Price Per Application
Ground instructor certificate (Basic, Advanced, and/or Instrument)
CFI renewal based on FIRC completion
Supervised Operating Experience (SOE) Limitation Removal (Private or Commercial only)
It depends *
$100 (IACRA) or $300 (in-person)
Add SIC type rating to Private or Commercial **
Military competence (Mil-Comp): New FAA certificate, add rating, or CFI renewal
Military competence (Mil-Comp): CFI Reinstatement
Convert EASA pilot license to equivalent FAA pilot certificate
Convert Canadian pilot license to equivalent FAA pilot certificate
FAA private pilot certificate based on foreign pilot license

IACRA = Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (

* The determining factor between IACRA and a paper application is whether or not the FAA has processed your type rating in their system, which usually takes 4 to 6 weeks.

** Application for the SIC type rating must be accomplished with an in-person meeting as required by 14 CFR 61.55(d)(6).

Payment with a debit card, credit card, PayPal, or Venmo is due when you meet with Jim.

Please contact Jim to discuss the requirements for your specific situation.

Military Pilots

Click HERE for an easy-to-share PDF with more information.

Please contact Jim with any questions.