Checkride Preparation (and things to help you be a better pilot)
The links and resources on this page are for all pilots, not just those scheduled for a checkride with Jim.
For Everyone
- Cirrus Pilots: Three Feet Positions
- The world's best comprehensive flight training app (Ground and flight instructors: Get free access by joining The Finer Points CFI Club)
- Episode 28 of "The Way I Taught It" podcast, by DPE Pete Reddan
- Episode 306 of the "Aviation News Talk" podcast, with Max Trescott and Jason Blair
- IACRA Tips and Suggestions
- Pilot Logbooks
- The Ace Guide
- Video demo:
- Order page (free demo available):
- Autopilot/Rudder Demonstrations
- Look it up! - A multi-player game for pilots
Private Pilot
- Jim's Private and Commercial Single-Engine Checkride Observations and Suggestions
- DPE Seth Lake / VSL Aviation Private Pilot Playlist
- Everything in the "For Everyone" section (above)
Instrument Rating
- Jim's Instrument Checkride Observations and Suggestions
- DPE Seth Lake / VSL Aviation Instrument Playlist
- Gold Seal "IFR Know it All"
- Everything in the "For Everyone" section (above)
Commercial Pilot
- Jim's Private and Commercial Single-Engine Checkride Observations and Suggestions
- DPE Jason Blair Aviation News Talk Interview
- FAA Guidance for Part 61 Commercial Pilot Applicants
- Video: Is Your CFI Failing You?
- Everything in the "For Everyone" section (above)